This flower farm all started with a single question.
"What are the boys going to do when they're done with school?

'The boys' aka my little brothers, are well on their way to not being so little anymore.
They'll be done with school this year, and while there are some amazing options out there for those with special needs, nothing felt quite right. We (my dad and I) both want them to be gainfully employed and do a job learning real skills that could aid them in other areas of their life. We soon discovered a good number of parents in the same boat as us.
The property we live on was once a nursery many years ago, selling wholesale potted annuals and perennials to establishments and garden centers. So the farm wasn't so much a brilliant brain storm as it was staring at half dismantled hoop houses in the woods every day. We shifted into cut flowers and began researching.
This is our second year growing, so there is a lot of trial and error ahead of us. We're starting off small, with the hopes of offering employment opportunities in the next growing season. We are extremally fortunate to have an amazing support system consisting of teachers, friends, parents, and other organizations offering insight and knowledge to allow future employees to be as independent as possible.
Here's to the amazing years ahead!